
File Management 101 is an Open Educational Resource (OER) designed to guide people in the practical understanding of what good file management looks like, applying a consistent file naming scheme and developing directory structures that makes sense in your context. Good file management practice allows your work to be understandable and identifiable by both humans and machines. Using a file naming convention, allows files to be easily located and the contents clearly defined.

What will be covered in this module#

  • research data management, an overview

  • file naming

  • version control

  • directory structures

  • systems and tools to store and share your data

You can view our resource on GitLab. All materials are re-usable, downloadable and adaptable under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence unless otherwise stated.

How to cite this resource: Tape, Sally; Neish, Peter (2024). File Management 101. The University of Melbourne. Educational resource. https://doi.org/10.26188/24784386