What Next?#

Useful tools and resources#

University of Melbourne Resources#

Managing Data at Melbourne
Managing Data @Melbourne is the University’s research data management general practice resource and training program. It consists of six short modules, which outline the fundamental practices of good data management. Develop the skills you need to draft your research data management plan.
Managing Data at Melbourne https://library.unimelb.edu.au/Digital-Scholarship/training_and_outreach/data

To help you create a data management plan (DMP) we have an online tool DMP Melbourne which provides guidance and support for DMPs. You will learn how to use this tool as part of Managing Data @Melbourne.
DMPMelbourne https://dmp.research.unimelb.edu.au/

Research Data Classification Framework
internal, University of Melbourne only
The Research Data Classification Framework helps researchers make informed decisions about sensitive data management. The Framework distils regulatory requirements and best-practice cybersecurity standards into a simple and actionable format.
Research Data Classification Framework https://gateway.research.unimelb.edu.au/platforms-data-and-reporting/data-and-computation/research-data-management/sensitive-data-management?vtab=Research_Data_Classification_Framework/

Open Educational Resources (OERs) for building open research and data skills#

The Turing Way
The Turing Way project is open source project. It supports researchers and data scientists in academia, industry and the public sector to make their projects reproducable and reusable.
The Turning Way https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/index.html#

Data Carpentry
Data Carpentry trains researchers in core data skills enabling efficient, shareable, and reproducible research practices.
Data Carpentry https://datacarpentry.org/

The GLAM Workbench
A collection of tools, tutorials, examples, and hacks to help you work with data from galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (the GLAM sector).
The Glam Workbench https://glam-workbench.net/

About the Project Collaborators#

The University of Melbourne’s Digital Stewardship team
The Digital Stewardship (Research) team aims to modernise scholarly practice via digital techniques and by maximising the value of research data. The Digital Stewardship (Research) team https://library.unimelb.edu.au/digital-stewardship

Image Credits#

University of Melbourne images Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 International
The three principles of file naming
Left Pad Ordering table
Version control table

All other images, reuse licence as specified
Memory Game icons from Freepik on Flaticon licence Creative Commons Share Alike 4.0 International
How to name files Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan licence Creative Commons Attribute 4.0 International
ISO 8601 licence Creative Commons Attribute NonCommercial 2.5 International
Chaz Hutton Anatomy of a file name
Ludovico, L. A., Ntalampiras, S., Presti, G., Cannas, S., Battini, M., & Mattiello, S. (2020). CatMeows: A Publicly-Available Dataset of Cat Vocalizations (1.0.2) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4008297